If You Really Want To Change Your Life, Say Goodbye To These 9 Behaviors

December 14, 2023

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Written By - Ravi Shankar, B.Sc. 

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I have identified 9 behaviors you might need to kick to the curb to change your life.

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1. Negativity 

By saying goodbye to this behavior, you're opening up a world of opportunities for growth and happiness. 

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2. Procrastination

If you are serious about changing your life, this is the behavior you must bid farewell to.

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3. Fear of Failure 

If you want to change your life, don't let fear of failure hold you back. Embrace it as a part of your journey towards growth and success. 

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4. Living in the Past 

If you're serious about changing your life, it's time to let go of the past. Acknowledge and learn from it, but don't let it dictate your present or future.

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5. Overthinking 

If you want to change your life, it's time to stop overthinking. Progress is better than perfection. 

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6. Self-Doubt 

Don't let self-doubt rob you of the opportunity to live a fulfilling and successful life. 

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7. Avoiding Discomfort 

Start embracing discomfort if you want to change your life. See it as an opportunity for growth, not something to be avoided. 

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8. Comparing yourself to others

You are unique and your journey is yours alone. Embrace it and stop measuring your worth against someone else's journey. 

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9. Ignoring Self-Care 

Ignoring self-care is a quick way to get more done. But in reality, it can lead to burnout and make your goals even harder to achieve.