8 Relationship Quotes by Dr. John Gottman

November 26, 2023

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Written By - Ravi Shankar (GoodMindKeeping)

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Dr. John Gottman is a renowned psychologist and relationship expert. He is best known for his work on marital stability and relationship analysis. Here are some best quotes:

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"The foundation of a strong relationship lies in the small everyday moments of connection."

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"In a healthy relationship, partners turn towards each other, not away, during times of stress."

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"The health of a relationship is reflected in how partners handle each other's bids for attention and connection."

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"Quality time spent together is an investment in the strength and longevity of a relationship."

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"Building rituals of connection helps create a sense of stability and security in a relationship."

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"Understanding and respecting each other's dreams fosters a sense of shared purpose."

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"A successful relationship requires continual investment in emotional bank accounts through positive interactions."

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"Happy couples create a culture of appreciation, expressing gratitude for each other regularly."