8 signs someone is genuinely confident, according to psychology

November 1, 2023

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Written By - Ravi Shankar (GoodMindKeeping)

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Truly confident people will remain so even in the face of adversity, while false confidence can shatter like glass.

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Real self-confidence is built of real trust in yourself and your abilities and is something that can't be denied.

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According to psychology, these 8 signs someone is genuinely confident can help you separate real confidence from its shallow imitation.

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1. They are open minded and willing to try new things.

They're also more open-minded and able to listen to new ideas that may challenge their own.

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2. They are bold and courageous. 

Confident people usually demonstrate the courage to stand up for others and do what's right by them.

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3. They don't give up easily.

Confident people believe they can succeed at the tasks they choose to undertake. 

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4. They are motivated.

The unconfident skier will surely turn away from the challenge.

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5. They are emotionally stable.

Confident people are sure of themselves and trust in their abilities and their opinions.

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6. They welcome challenges.

One sign that someone is genuinely confident is that they welcome challenges.

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7. They're good at making decisions.

More self-confident people tend to be better at making decisions and don't shy away from them.

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8. They are less afraid of confrontation. 

Practicing conflict resolution and confronting others when necessary can also build more self-confidence and self-respect.

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According to psychology, these 8 signs show that someone is genuinely confident. 

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Hopefully, they are very familiar to you. But if not, these are areas you can work on to build your own confidence.