9 Different Ways You Can Be Intelligent, According to the Theory

November 10, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Written By - Ravi Shankar (GoodMindKeeping)

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Hi, Welcome back on our site. Here are 9 different ways you can be intelligent according to the theory. 

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1. Spatial Intelligence 

This type of intelligence is about how good at picturing and visualizing you are. 

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2. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence 

This type of intelligence involves abilities we might not automatically think of as having anything to do with intellect. 

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3. Lignuistic Intelligence 

This type of intelligence rests upon how well you use words, both in written form and verbally. 

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4. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence 

This type of intelligence is also the area of intelligence that is identified by IQ tests. 

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5. Interpersonal Intelligence 

This type of intelligence is work on how effectively you interact with others.

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6. Intrapersonal Intelligence

This type of intelligence is all about the relationship you have with yourself. 

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7. Musical Intelligence 

This type of intelligence is defined by how easily you can identify patterns, rhythms and sounds.

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8. Naturalistic Intelligence 

This type of intelligence is defined by how well you understand the natural world around you.

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9. Existential Intelligence

If you are always pondering life, love and the mysteries of the universe, then you most likely excel in this type of intelligence. 

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The truth is that intelligence shows up in a whole rainbow of abilities and mental skills.