November 26, 2023
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Written By - Ravi Shankar (GoodMindKeeping)
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In this story, I am discussing about the title 'If you recognize these 8 feelings, you have stopped growing as a person'.
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Complacency only becomes a problem when coupled with a general lack of fulfillment.
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Fear of failure can manifest as intense anxiety at the prospect of not meeting your expectations or the expectations of others.
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Goals serve as guiding lights, propelling you forward on your journey of growth and self-discovery.
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Ditching your fixed beliefs for a growth mindset can open the door to embracing life-long learning.
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Becoming your best self is hard when you constantly doubt your strength, resilience and abilities.
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While occasional moments of disinterest are nothing to worry about, chronic apathy can easily lead to stagnation.
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Feeling defensive or resistant to constructive criticism impedes personal growth.
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Curiosity is what prompts you to seek diverse viewpoints and persuades you to venture beyond your comfort zone.
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Reconnect with your goals and find a way to crawl your way back to your most enthusiastic self.