Top 7 Motivation Quotes by John Smith

November 27, 2023

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Written By - Ravi Shankar (GoodMindKeeping)

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John Smith was an English soldier, explorer, colonial governor, admiral of New England and author. Here are his top 7 motivation quotes:

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"Win or Lose you will never regret working hard, making sacrifices, being disciplined or focusing too much. Success is measured by what we have done to prepare for competition."

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"Here every man may be master and owner of his owne labour and land... If he have nothing but his hands, he industrie quickly grow rich."

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"History is the memory of time, the life of the dead and the happiness of the living."

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"Women are more balanced than men. Where the most brilliant minds have so far have mostly belonged to men, no women has ever been as stupid as a man can be."

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"The single greatest invention man ever conceived in the dollar bill, because I don't want to know the conversion rate for coconuts."

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"The best way to manipulate a man is to make him think he is manipulating you."

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"Had we been as free from all sins as we were from gluttony and drunkenness we might have been canonized for saints..."